This event is founded by:

The Tournament of Duty is the creation of Paul White of Litchfield MN. White is a Financial Consultant with Thrivent Financial with offices in Litchfield and Atwater MN. In 2012 White was awarded the Thrivent Financial National Division Volunteer of the Year for his volunteerism on a local and international level. The prestigious award included $25,000 cash donation in his name to be designated to a national charity of his choosing.
White searched for a recipient organization and at the suggestion of his brother Monte, he selected the Wounded Warrior Project. Paul's brother Monte was a wounded Vietnam War veteran who suffered exposure to Agent Orange. Sadly, Monte passed away from cancer that was linked to war wounds in January 2013.
As White developed a relationship with the Wounded Warrior Project and met some of the recipients of the organization's services, his dedication to their mission increased. White determined that the organization would be a terrific beneficiary for annual fundraising event. The idea of a golf tournament fundraiser was born. Given White's long-standing connection to the community of Atwater MN, their Island Pine Golf Club was the logical choice for the event.
As the idea of the TOURNAMENT OF DUTY gained momentum, the word spread far and wide. The fundraiser is in now it's third year of planning and participation. The first two years raised over $20,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project. 100% of the funds raised are sent right to the Wounded Warrior Project. ALL Tournament of Duty operating expenses are funded by private donations.
Driven by enthusiasm for a great cause, the Tournament of Duty has turned in a fantastic one-day event that will include golf with hole games, bean bag toss tournament, food and prizes. Event participants will enjoy a full day of inspiration and patriotism--and an opportunity to honor the some of the real heroes of our nation.
White searched for a recipient organization and at the suggestion of his brother Monte, he selected the Wounded Warrior Project. Paul's brother Monte was a wounded Vietnam War veteran who suffered exposure to Agent Orange. Sadly, Monte passed away from cancer that was linked to war wounds in January 2013.
As White developed a relationship with the Wounded Warrior Project and met some of the recipients of the organization's services, his dedication to their mission increased. White determined that the organization would be a terrific beneficiary for annual fundraising event. The idea of a golf tournament fundraiser was born. Given White's long-standing connection to the community of Atwater MN, their Island Pine Golf Club was the logical choice for the event.
As the idea of the TOURNAMENT OF DUTY gained momentum, the word spread far and wide. The fundraiser is in now it's third year of planning and participation. The first two years raised over $20,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project. 100% of the funds raised are sent right to the Wounded Warrior Project. ALL Tournament of Duty operating expenses are funded by private donations.
Driven by enthusiasm for a great cause, the Tournament of Duty has turned in a fantastic one-day event that will include golf with hole games, bean bag toss tournament, food and prizes. Event participants will enjoy a full day of inspiration and patriotism--and an opportunity to honor the some of the real heroes of our nation.